Typerio Docs


Typerio React


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Advanced usage

First, let's explain what the configuration object mentioned in the earlier article is. It is an object with the following properties:

    frames:['', ''],       //Array of two strings which are the frames of the animation;
    prefix: '',        //String which will be the prefix of the animation;
    speed: 20,     //Integer beign used as the interval between animation frames. Higher number = slower animation;
    target: HTMLElement,       //HTML element inside of which animation will be rendered;
    clearingPolicy: true,      //Boolean value, if true all content inside of the target will be deleted;

It can be used in several different ways. One is to pass it straight to typerioRender() every time, as we did before. Another example:

typerioRender(inputArray, {
    frames: ['|', '_'],
    prefix: '$',
    speed: 60,
    target: targetWindow,
    clearingPolicy: false

We can also configure default configuration object. Data from this object is used by Typerio if we do not pass some value in typerioRender(). Take a look at this code:

  newFrames: ['o', 'O'],
  newPrefix: '@',
  newSpeed: 12,
  newTarget: element,
  newClearingPolicy: true,

The syntax differs from that passed manually, but the value types are the same. We can also get the current default configuration object using



The default target value is set to {}, which means that you have to declare this value in typerioConfig or pass it everytime via typerioRender() function.

typerioRender() is an asynchronous function. What follows is that we can use await to wait for the animation to finish.

await typerioRender(inputArray);