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Basic usage

To get started with Typerio, import typerioRender() function into your project.

import { typerioRender } from 'typerio'

Now let's prepare to use this function to run the animation. Firstly you have to declare array of objects with such properiets:

    text: string, //Text which will be rendered.
    style: string, //Custom CSS class.
    HTMLelement: HTMLElement //HTML element inside of which text will be rendered. Usually p or span.

For the example purposes we will use such one:

const inputArray= [
        text: 'Hello',
        style: 'text',
        HTMLelement: p
        text: 'Typerio!',
        style: 'text',
        HTMLelement: p

This array will be our first argument to the function. We also need to specify the HTML element for rendering our content using a configuration object. This will be discussed in more detail in the next article. For now, just know we use an object for this. Just take a look at the code below.

const targetWindow = document.document.querySelector(".window");

typerioRender(inputArray, {target: targetWindow});

Congratulations, you just created your first animation using Typerio!